Filippo Dal Fiore

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Book readings are an essential part of my continuing education.
The following are recent readings that I consider “eye-opening”:

Ishmael (Quinn)
A Fortune-Teller Told Me: Earthbound Travels in the Far East (Terzani)
The city of joy (Lapierre)
The Valkyries (Coelho)
Snow (Pamuk)
Sozaboy (Saro-Wiwa)
A journey to Portugal (Saramago)
The kite runner (Hosseini)
The shadow of the Sun (Kapuzinski)
Children of Dust (Eteraz)

The Future of the Responsible Company (Stanley & Chouinard)
Econocracy (Earle et al.)
Economy Studies. A guide to rethink economics and economics education (De Muijnck, Tieleman)
The soul of money (Twist)
Conscious Capitalism (Mackey, Sisodia)
Doughnut Economics (Raworth)
Regenerative Capitalism (Fullerton)
Frugal Value (Millstone)
Come on! (A report to the Club of Rome)
Reiventing organizations (Laloux)
The shareholder Value Myth (Stout)
The ecology of commerce (Hawken)
Saving capitalism (Reich)
From values to actions. The four principles of value-based leadership (Kraemer)
Six simple rules: How manage complexity without getting complicated (Morieux, Tollman)
Small is beautiful (Schumacher)
Change everything (Felber)
Sacred economics (Eisenstein)
Per qualche dollaro in piu’/For a few dollars more (Baranes)
The price of inequality (Stiglitz)
Making globalization work (Stiglitz)
The return of depression economics (Krugman)
The end of poverty (Sachs)
The conscience of a liberal (Krugman)
Freefall: America, free markets and the sinking of the world economy (Stiglitz)
Globalization and its discontents (Stiglitz)
Confessions of an economic hit man (Perkings)
A colossal failure of common sense: the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brother (McDonald, Robinson)
Factor Four (Earthscan)
The world is curved (Smick)
Connected: 24 hours in the global economy (Altman)
The end of work (Rifkin)

Psychology & Pedagogy
Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself (Neff)
Wheels of Life (Judith)
Sustainability, Human Wellbeing and the Future of Education (Cook)
The five love languages (Chapman)
Non-violent Communication: a language for life (Rosenberg)
The mountain is you: Transforming Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery (Wiest)
What’s the point of school? How the current education system is failing to prepare students for the real world (Ay)
Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanity (Nussbaum)
La guarigione del cuore/The healing of the heart (Amirante)
An emotional education (De Botton)
The deep heart (Prendergast)
The seven secrets to healthy, happy relationships (D.M.Ruiz & Amara)
Educare esploratori coraggiosi – Educating courageous explorers (Rossi)
The Danish way of Parenting (Alexander, Sandahl)
Parenting from the heart (Pransky)
Transforming Stress (Childre, Rozman)
Making peace with ourselves (Thich Naht Hahn)
Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being (Huffington)
A general theory of love (Lewis et al.)
Daring greatly (Brown)
Happier (Tal Ben-Shahar)
The pursuit of perfect (Tal Ben-Shahar)
Getting to yes (Fisher)
Difficult conversations (Stone et. al)
The paradox of choice (Swarz)
Le emozioni dei bambini/The emotions of kids (Filliozat)
On Leadership (Harvard Business School)
The Danger of a Single Story (Adichie)
The seven principles for making marriage work (Gottman)

Political & International affairs
The spirit at the end of history (Ravi Joseph)
The slow fix (Honorè)
Summer Meditations (Havel)
Collapse: how societies choose to fail or survive (Diamond)
The geography of thought (Nisbett)
Gomorra (Saviano)
The dark heart of Italy (Jones)
The Art of non-government/L’arte del non governo (Ricolfi)
The 5 patterns of extraordinary careers (Citrin)
Forza, Italia/Good Italy, Bad Italy (Elmott)
Plutocrats (Freeland)
The post-American world (Zakaria)
The future of freedom (Zakaria)
The clash of civilizations (Huntington)
Rising powers, shrinking planet (Klare)
The J curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall (Bremmer)

War of the worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality (Chopra & Mlodinow)
Spiritul science (Taylor)
On dialogue (Bohm)
Il crepuscolo dello scientismo/The dusk of scientism (Sermonti)
Breaking the habit of being yourself (Dispenza)
Thinking in Systems (Meadows)
Galileo Commission Report (Science & Medical Network)
The Science Delusion (Sheldrake)
Climate: A New Story (Eisenstein)
Undisciplining Knowledge (Graff)
Reinventing the sacred (Kauffman)
The unnatural nature of science (Wolpert)
Reality is not what it seems (Rovelli)
Dio e la scienza moderna/God and modern science (Timossi)
Ipotesi su Dio/Hypothesis on God (Timossi)
Ideas and opinions (Einstein)
Education for life. Preparing children to meet the challenges (Walters)
La medicina che vorrei. Personalizzata, integrata e umanizzata / The medicine that I desire. Personalized, integrated, humanized (Gava)
Designing regenerative cultures (Wahl)
Journey of the universe (Schwimme)
From science to God (Russell)
(Jude Currivan)

Spirituality (and science)
The gentle art of blessing (Pradervand)
Anam Cara. Il libro della saggezza celtica (O’donohue)
Facets of unity (Almaas)
Emergence (Rydall)
The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality and Society (Zsolnai, Flanagan)
InsideOut (Dadi Janki)
A simple path (Mother Theresa)
Celestine Prophecy (Redfield)
Selections from Gandhi/Antiche come le montagne (Gandhi)
The art of communicating (Thich Naht Hahn)
The heart of creation (John Main)
The voice of knowledge (Don Miguel Ruiz)
The seven spiritual laws of success (Deepak Chopra)
The power of I am (Joel Osteen)
Love (Sri Chinmoy)
Blue Sky God (Don MacGregor)
L’arte di far succedere le cose/The art of making things happen (Lumera)
The Good Heart (A dialogue between The Dalai Lama and Don Laurence Freeman)
Living Presence – A sufi way to mindfulness and the essential self (Helminski)
Rumi, dialogo con l’universo/Rumi, a dialogue with the universe (Colella)
Spiritual Economics (Butterworth)
La via della bellezza/The way of beauty (Mancuso)
Il potere e la magia del perdono/The power and magic of forgiveness (Nossa)
Il potere e la magia della gratitudine/The power and magic of gratitude (Nossa)
Ricomincio da me/I start over with myself (Garbuio)
Soffrire non è necessario/Suffering is not necessary (Garbuio)
The Celestine Prophecy (Redfield)
A course in miracles. Made easy (Cohen)
Every moment is a miracle (Drioli)
The big questions. God (Vernon)
The untethered soul: the journey beyond yourself (Singer)
How do you pray? (Yacoboni)
L’anima viaggia un passo alla volta / Souls travel, step by step (Tiozzo)
Ciao, sono la tua anima, ti va di parlare? /Hallo, this is your soul, shall we speak? (Bertini)
The seat of the soul (Zukav)
The law of emergence (Rydall)
Oneness with all life (Tolle)
Prayer: the Art of Believing (Goddard)
Love money, money loves you (McCrum)
The dream of the cosmos: A quest for the soul (Baring)
You are enough (Desai)
Arriving at your own door (Kabat-Zinn)
Letting go of nothing (Russell)
The universe has your back (Bernstein)
The map of consciousness explained (Hawkins)
The art of contemplation (Rudd)
The energy codes (Morter)
(Jean Huston) (Thomas Hubl) (Lynne McTaggart) (Debra Poneman) (Barnet Bain) (Joan D’Argo) (Jennifer McLean) (Mary Morrissey)

Abundant Love (Satish Kumar)
The politics of Being (Legrand)
La medicina che vorrei/The medicine I’d like to see (Gava)
Ecodharma (Loy)
The age of wellbeing. A new leadership model for a happier world (Green)
Andare in montagna è tornare a casa/The Wildnerness World of John Muir (Muir)
Japanese thought (Yen Mai)
How successful people think (Maxwell)
Happy Money (Honda)
Everyday Ubuntu: the African Art of Living Better, Together (Ngomane)
The Buddha and the badass: The secret spiritual art of succeeding at work (Lakhiani)
Presence: human purpose and the field of the future (Senge et al.)
Ayurveda. La medicina dell’armonia tra l’uomo e l’universo/Ayurveda, the medicine of harmony between man and the universe (Iannaccone)
The hidden life of trees (Wohlleben)
Biomimicry. Innovation inspired by nature (Benyus)
Why leaders eat last (Sinek)
The courage to teach (Palmer)
La sobrieta’ felice/The happy sobriety (Rabhi)
The geography of Bliss (Weiner)
System effects (Jervis)
The invisible computer (Norman)
The meaning of the 21st century (Martin)

…and a few TV shows and documentary series:
Deutsche Welle, Docfilms
PBS, Frontline
Arte TV
RAI, Caterpillar
BBC, The toughest place to be…
Top documentaries

Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last

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